Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finally Fantastic Four!

What a week! The girls turned 4 on Wednesday and they have been on cloud 9 all week! They love all the calls, cards, and presents they have received from their amazing grandparents! These girls are so lucky to have such amazing family!

Just before their birthday, Grandma Natty came up for the weekend and they got lots of snuggle time in with her! Unfortunately Parker had a bad cold so we didn't do a lot, but I think those are sometimes the best weekends!

On their birthday Nick and I took them to the Mall of America to have a spoil day! Fortunately their birthday was on a Wednesday so there was no one at the mall! We got their early and took them on a bunch of rides! Their favorite was the Big Rigs...they looked like Semi-Trucks! Parker thought it was soo cool because she had another little girl about her age sit next to her! She said she was her best friend! I love how at this age they aren't afraid of new people and are so accepting of everyone!

After going on rides we had lunch, and they got to pick out whatever they wanted to eat! Bonus was we even went and got ice cream for dessert afterwards! We went shopping and ran through the halls of the mall! It was a great time!

That night we came home and had dinner and made cupcakes! I got cute Princess candy cupcake toppers that they got to decorate them with! They used all the sprinkles I had bought on just 2 cupcakes! But they had a blast! Happy Birthday sweeties!